Tapestry crochet (part 2)

Hello again. It has been a little while as we were away on holiday and have been busy with new house stuff. Oh, and 18th Birthdays 🙂

I have been missing my crochet though. I have realised that my WIP (the circle blanket here) just doesn’t do it for me some evenings (the only time I get to crochet) and that another project is needed. So the tapestry crochet that I tried way back beckoned and I gave it another go this week and here is the result.

tapestry crochet heart



What I have discovered about tapestry crochet is that there are lots of different definitions of what it is and therefore lots of methods of how to do it! The previous method I tried involved reverse crocheting on the back rows (I used this very clear video tutorial) but I had seen other posts where this method had not been used so I decided to give them a go too. Julie at little woolie makes the most gorgeous washcloths and blankets using tapestry crochet and explains it very well and Elizabeth (Mrs Thomasina Tittlemouse) provides some great tips here.

What you see above was my third attempt and I need to practice this lots now. I used a 4.5mm hook and Rico creative cotton (aran) but the stitches were too loose and you can see the carried colour. I also need to work on my turning as the carried colour is very obvious but I am so pleased to have learned a new crochet technique that I can work on.

I have treated myself to lots of lovely bright colours to make cushions for my boys’ bedroom and will use tapestry crochet to make them. Watch this space!
