Season’s Greetings

I’m not going to pretend that I’ve been great at blogging recently. If you follow me on Instagram you will know I have not been idle when it comes to making ‘stuff’ but I am still struggling to find the time to write full blog posts and not happy with my photography at all. In the whole scheme of things neither are particularly important just slightly irritating!

So we are about to spend our first Christmas here in Canada. It’s cold, there is snow everywhere and it’s more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. The lakes and creeks are frozen and everything is quiet (if you listen very carefully). 

Apart from gift making, I’ve been busy baking and making ornaments with my boys. We came here with just 4 suitcases, so no room for decorations. Every day since the 1st we have made a new ornament and the tree is looking great already, I think you’ll agree.

That just leaves me to say, I’ll see you after Christmas. Have a good one.